Labaik Tours

This is a long term project and I have developed lot of functionality in the website. This is a United States customer project. He is very happy with our work. We are managing website maintenance work.
Business :  Tours & Travels
Website url :
CRM url:

Client Want : 

  • Solve slider issue on home page.
  • Messup header and footer.
  • Contact form not working.
  • Create custom form on a product page and sync in contact and sales order module of vTiger CRM.
  • Create custom leads form and sync in leads module of vTiger CRM.
  • Create Payment module on vTiger
  • Custom create a widgets on dashboard for my enquiry.
  • Send email with invoice.
  • Integrate PayPal & Stripe payment gateway in emails or invoice.
  • Sync google reviews.


  • PHP
  • vTiger 7.1
  • WordPress, jQuery, MySQL
  • API intgration
  • Payment gateways integration

Our Work:

  • We’ve solve small issue of website like header messed up and slider. Solve contact form email issue in a website.
  • We’ve fresh installed the vTiger 7.1 on our development server.
  • We’ve created a custom form on a website product page using Shortcode. All functionality have done in WordPress child theme.
  • After developed functionality we have implement vTiger API and synced with vTiger.
  • Developed new Payment module in the vTiger CRM. In this module when client will create a invoice then it’ll showing and after click on it you can easily manage the customer amount on pieces. You can easily send customer invoice email. He can easily pay by email because there are two button PayPal and Strip available. Data will be autonomic synced in CRM.
  • We have developed a widget on the dashboard screen that contains all information related to the name, email, adult value, order status, order amount.
  • Data syncing managed by vTiger API like Leads, Contacts, Sales Order, Tickets etc.
  • Integrated google reviews on product page.
